The rhetoric that women need to gain financial literacy to be able to fit in with the “old boys club” is insulting. For far too long, women have been trying to break the glass ceiling and climb to a seat at the boy's table but what if women just left? What if instead of trying so hard to fit in, laughing at offensive jokes, and pretending a mansplain is helpful, women just made their own table? Ellevest is spreading financial literacy to women across the US which gives them the power to make their own money and own decisions about where to spend, invest, and save. There’s no need to get approval from any man. Women are capable of learning the ins and outs of the finance world for the purpose of self-power and nothing else. Old boys club, we’re coming for you. 
The Women’s Club is officially replacing the “Ol’ B*ys Club”. The goal is to bring financial literacy and power to women throughout the US. The Women’s Club allows for people to share advice with one another, ask/answer questions about finance and money, as well as learn how best to handle their personal finances. Members will have access to potential business partnerships, resources that help women learn more about investing, saving, and making money, and support from other badass women.
Access to resources will be through an online portal attached to the Ellevest website. Eventually, Ellevest plans to have Women’s Club locations across various U.S. cities.
The extension will be a “hidden portal” on the website with a passcode to get in. The portal is a place for women to connect with each other and openly share questions, advice, and thoughts in a forum. Think of it as a mini women's Linkedin. The portal is also where members will gain access to the “Women’s Stock” Portfolio, where they can physically invest in Women. 
Ellevest will deck out locker rooms in country clubs, college bathrooms in business schools, like a speakeasy/club/casino/men's club with neon lights and colorful things, for women to talk/hang out/exist without feeling less than or excluded from the conversation. This idea is a spin on the Old Boys Club that has been around for years where men hang out, drink, smoke, play golf, etc.. and discuss important business matters, all while leaving out a very important asset to any decision-making process: Women. 
Ellevest is creating a collection of investments into Women-owned businesses. The main purpose of the Woman's Club is to support the financial endeavors of Women. While using the resources provided by Ellevest to make smart investments and make money, members are quite literally Investing In Women. Ellevest believes you should invest in your values. The number one thing you should value is yourself, by investing in Women, you invest in yourself.
A new section will be created for The Wall Street Journal. There will be a “Women” tab in WSJ. Since Ellevest already has a blog with helpful articles for women on their website, this will help those articles reach more people. The articles focus specifically on women in finance and give real, helpful advice.  


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