AD: Kaitlyn Peterson
CW: Krisha Añonuevo
For young immigrants and first-gens, losing touch with your culture as you adapt to a new environment imposes a fork in your identity. As learning English and assimilation becomes a priority, you slowly forfeit your cultural identity as you separate yourself from your native language.
As you relearn your native language, Duolingo will serve as an active bridge to rekindle your relationship with your culture, family, and immigrant communities around you.  
Using the liveliness and community of games to reunite you with your roots.
Card Game
Connecting with one another through games is universal. 
But with language barriers, it can be difficult to truly immerse yourself when instructions and responses may be lost in translation.
We’re introducing a card game with prompts in both languages so everyone can participate. Language learners and loved ones can play and discover new words, no matter the barrier. 
In app game would still be available for families separated by distance.
Regardless of your language ability, you are not isolated from your culture – your communities never left.
After launching the card game, this video series will find immigrant individuals and families, reunite them with each other and/or with their home communities to play ConnectDuo and different games to reignite their connection.
Video Series
Airport Installations
Digital Ads at U.S. International Airport Terminals
Depending on the gate, digital directories will display a Duolingo ad in English and the language of the gate destination.
Each directs the traveler to a designated waiting area in the wing to find ConnectDuo, where they can play to pass the time and bond with others traveling to the country.
Once you hit a milestone on your Duolingo native language, you're sent a free kit to cook a meal to reconnect with your culture in more ways than just language. 
With each box includes a ConnectDuo extension pack that includes cards of ingredients, kitchen items, or methods.


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